Gain valuable experience cleaning, analyzing, and validating simulated healthcare data using Excel or SQL. This interactive learning style enhances your understanding of the subject matter and strengthens your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. Additionally, the use of generated healthcare data in the classroom setting helps bridge the gap between theory and real-world applications, ensuring that you are prepared to address the challenges and complexities of your clinical practice.



Learn essential features of one of the most commonly used tools for data analysis. This course consists of live instruction followed by hands-on practice as you evaluate a simulated clinical data set. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Navigating data efficiently

  • Conditional IF statements

  • Aggregate functions

  • Lookup functions, such as VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, and XLOOKUP

  • PivotTables and PivotCharts

  • Dynamic Functions

A person sitting at a desk with a laptop and a pen looking at a spreadsheet
A person sitting at a desk with a laptop and a pen looking at a spreadsheet


Anyone can learn to code! Get practice querying, filtering, and aggregating simulated clinical data with T-SQL. Access to a SQL database is provided as part of the class, so you don't need any paid software to participate.

Class consists of live instruction followed by practice problems reinforcing key concepts, such as:

  • Order of Execution

  • SELECT and FROM clauses

  • Filtering data with WHERE

  • JOINs

  • Subqueries

  • GROUP BY and Aggregate functions

  • Aliases

A man sitting at a desk with two monitors and a keyboard writing code
A man sitting at a desk with two monitors and a keyboard writing code

Personalized Training

Learn better 1:1 or want to provide a personalized learning experience for your team? Check out individual and group training sessions. Build skills in a fun environment with simulated MUEs and data challenges tailored to your desired content areas.

A man sitting at a table with a laptop computer
A man sitting at a table with a laptop computer

Options to Customize

Want to learn something not covered in one of the available classes or prefer individual instruction?

Sparx Analytics offers coaching sessions to help with targeted learning goals.

Have a group that you would like to take a class?

Sparx Analytics would love to work with your colleagues or teams. Discounts are available for groups of 3+ that would like to book together.

Are you a student interested in a group learning event?

Stand out on post-graduate applications! Email Sparx Analytics about subsidized student learning opportunities and gain invaluable data skills.

Schedule a consultation or email to learn more.